
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jonas Steermann -2F333235333335322332-254
2Tobias Klann 0F234332335334333333056
2Hendrik Cieslik 0F332323333334343353056
4Timo Kehlbeck +1F434334352233334332+157
4Nils Wittig +1F334323343442323434+157
6Kevin Kleibömer (ÖM) +2F333344343432333433+258
7Nils Weidler +4F335442343343424342+460
7Tobias Lülf +4F343335343343334333+460
9Sascha Klein +5F344333354343333343+561
10Jonas Bilke +61734333433343444344+659
11Adrian Hornbostel +7F343335344344333434+763
11Arne Böttger (ÖM) +7F333333343444444344+763
11Paul Busse +7F342444344443423533+763
14Steffen Bilke +9F353344354443434333+965
15Hendrik Witte +10F434545453343333343+1066
15Tiemo Wesemann +10F354434364353433333+1066
17Arne Nolte +11F435343443253454443+1167
18Joscha Mahlke +12F344345343344435444+1268
18Jan Blockus +12F454343433444344543+1268
20TeeTimerTest 0-00
20Willem Weber 0-00
20Andreas Martin (ÖM) 0-00
20Marius Famme (ÖM) 0-00
20Micha Zenker 0-00
20Felix Sauermann 0-00
20Jan Ackerhans 0-00
20Johann Höptner 0-00
20Marcus Minge 0-00
20Dustin Schüttkowski 0-00

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The result was updated on: 2021-06-19 21:52:32. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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