Nädalamäng #187  07/25/24 18:30
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Osalustasu 7€. Algus kell 18:30. Kohapeal registreerimine kuni 18:15. CTP 15 rada. HiO fond 0€. Vali ise grupp. Esimene tii reserveeritud korraldajale! Esimesed 72 registreerujat saavad valida grupi!

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Eliit (>=931) (29)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Rich-Rodger Männiste -4F433343345344342335-463
2Roland Mik -2F334344334444333436-265
3Aimar Alesmaa 0F433345334445332446067
4Siim Sinikalda +1F432345333446342456+168
4Gregor Soodla +1F432444344443353545+168
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit44%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1121211111146%
Inside bullseye putt11
6Sandor Haabma +2F523444346444342436+269
6Kaspar Songisepp +2F622354334344344546+269
9Sander Jaani +4F643544454344352524+471
10Mart Meeru +5F533553345464342436+572
10Steven Pariis +5F534453374434352436+572
10Karl Luikmäe +5F332553346345342647+572
Bullseye hit17%
Green hit28%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111111163%
Inside bullseye putt12
13Indrek Penk +6F433533354446544436+673
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit17%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts11221111164%
Inside bullseye putt10
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit33%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts21111111211171%
Inside bullseye putt8
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit22%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts11131111111111165%
Inside bullseye putt7
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111111111173%
Inside bullseye putt9
18Mairo Mägi +8F353453445554442546+875
20Maarek Gergalo +9F332463365555434537+976
20Renek Rosenberg +9F443463437455352545+976
20Väino Kiuru +9F433355365344454546+976
23Leor Veimann +10F633452555556433436+1077
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit17%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1311111111154%
Inside bullseye putt10
25Sten Väise +11F423456467443354446+1178
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts11111211121121178%
Inside bullseye putt3
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit17%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts21111111150%
Inside bullseye putt13
28Siim Henrik Saar +17F732445447574364447+1784
29Aivo Raidma +20F544655366474354556+2087
Edasijõudnud (870-930) (25)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts1111160%
Inside bullseye putt13
1Saimon Sutt +3F442344344445454435+370
3Hans-Christian Hausenberg +8F543454455544342545+875
3Rainer Michelson +8F543445445364342546+875
5Viktor Pähklamäe +9F433654356445342447+976
5Rene Kuik +9F443544455544453445+976
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit0%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts1111121111175%
Inside bullseye putt8
7Timar lillemäe +10F634444446464442536+1077
9Uku Rennit +11F533464445474344446+1178
10Kelvin Kiis +12F544555245455344645+1279
10Mart Pae +12F534363365466253447+1279
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit6%
Outside circle putt2
Inside circle putts111111121191%
Inside bullseye putt6
13Ulvi Eit +14F444544469456342445+1481
14Kunnar Konts +15F533564345545474546+1582
15Karl Marek Kamla +16F634455464355384536+1683
15Triin Kahr +16F444544386454354637+1683
15Robin Uusen +16F543366565545344456+1683
18Ago Silm +17F544654555454454447+1784
18Rihet Luikmäe +17F653554455455444637+1784
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit6%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts1111121144%
Inside bullseye putt14
21Rainer Uusen +19F5335575564433104536+1986
21Taavi Kork +19F933555446475464426+1986
Bullseye hit6%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts21111211111227%
Inside bullseye putt14
24Sten-Evert Paavel +21F643765376457352636+2188
25Aleksandrs Černovs +26F852665458454445567+2693
Harrastajad (820-869) (6)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Helikar Haabma +16F543554345744554556+1683
2Ralf-Robert Luik +17F644554345455554637+1784
3Raido Hurt +18F644467346554353556+1885
4Siiri Mugra +22F633488465465354537+2289
5Joosep Lehes +24F844584446586342556+2491
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit0%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts1111140%
Inside bullseye putt16
Alustajad (<820) (4)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1reigo hurt +29F645566467555464729+2996
2Tanel Koppel +33F747576459565354747+33100
3Kristjan Keps +38F656685658566384558+38105
4Kaimo Kõks +39F633766586786594746+39106

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The result was updated on: 2024-07-25 21:36:31. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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