1. Kierros  05/13/19 18:00

1Tomi Tiikkaja -3F232333323-324
2Petri Anttiroiko +1F433334323+128
3Tino Kiltti +4F233345254+431
4Nico Backman -3F333232332-324
5Joni Ala-Kapee -2F323233333-225
6Henri Sipilä +4F443333353+431
7Terho Venetkorpi +3F333334353+330
8Valtteri Salminen 0F343223334027
9Kalle Kauhanen -6F233222223-621
10Tuomo Jussila +1F332333434+128
11Jussi Vesaranta 0F332334333027
12Jussi Mäkirinta +1F333332353+128
13Joonas Peltomaa -1F333224333-126
14Jesse Laajanaho +3F333344433+330
0-829 (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Tero Civill 0F243342333027
2Henri Soukola +1F333334333+128
3Vili Viitanen +3F334344324+330
885-924 (11)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Jari Harju -5F222233323-522
2Tomi Manninen -4F232332323-423
2Rauno Myllynen -4F223222433-423
4Tatu Lehtosaari -2F222344332-225
4Ville Viitanen -2F333234232-225
4Jukka Kaipainen -2F233234332-225
7Niko Suoniemi 0F232333353027
7Tatu Lehtinen 0F432334323027
7Atte Leppäsalo 0F323333343027
10Topi Pakarinen +1F233336323+128
10Hannu Huttunen +1F433333432+128
925- (5)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Daniel Davidsson -8F223222222-819
2Aaro Koskela -4F323333222-423
3Leevi Isotalo -3F233322333-324
4Tero Hirvelä -2F432233332-225
5Matias Stenberg +1F244243432+128

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The result was updated on: 2019-05-13 18:59:19.

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