Ryttylän kiri viikkokisa (2016-07-10)  07/10/16 17:00

    NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
    1Unto Virnes8535.249.8-9.2
    2Tiina Kuusela842955-4
    3Seppo Koskinen8226.355.7-3.3
    4Juhani Ahtinen7215.156.9-2.1
    5Ari Lahtinen9737601
    6Tommi Grönberg8826.361.72.7
    7Erkki Nordström9024.365.76.7
    8Raimo Laitajoki9528.366.77.7

    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Juhani Ahtinen +13F333554654433445263+1372
    2Seppo Koskinen+23F336465535444458373+2382
    3Tiina Kuusela +25F335464645446557364+2584
    4Unto Virnes+26F434675644534457374+2685
    5Tommi Grönberg +29F545456646445457563+2988
    6Erkki Nordström +31F345675645535458465+3190
    7Raimo Laitajoki +36F533476645444578776+3695
    8Ari Lahtinen+38F545565745544668486+3897

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    The result was updated on: 2016-07-18 13:17:51. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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