Ryttylän kiri viikkokisa (2017-06-25)  06/25/17 17:00
  • Comment: Pilvistä, 17 °C, 9 m/s SW

NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
1Tommi Grönberg8124.456.6-2.4
2Harri Kuusela645.958.1-0.9
3Ari Lukkarinen6910.558.5-0.5
4Lauri Impiö643612
5Jarno Kettunen61-0.361.32.3
6Erkki Nordström8822.265.86.8
7Seppo Koskinen8821.666.47.4
8Unto Virnes103337011
9Ari Lahtinen10430.373.714.7

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jarno Kettunen +2F333445433333423353+261
2Lauri Impiö +5F432353544334325353+564
2Harri Kuusela +5F334354443332434363+564
4Ari Lukkarinen +10F334354544343446343+1069
5Tommi Grönberg +22F434475645545436363+2281
6Seppo Koskinen+29F356656554346646464+2988
6Erkki Nordström +29F444656554445756464+2988
8Unto Virnes+44F545966665366848484+44103
9Ari Lahtinen+45F445968555466749485+45104

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The result was updated on: 2017-06-25 19:28:01. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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