Ryttylän kiri viikkokisa (2016-08-28)  08/28/16 17:00
  • Comment: Pilvistä, 16 °C, 1 m/s N

NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
1Ville Tuominen672344-15
2Rauno Hämäläinen7927.151.9-7.1
3Ari Lahtinen8935.353.7-5.3
3Erkki Nordström7925.353.7-5.3
5Raimo Laitajoki8429.654.4-4.6
6Seppo Koskinen7924.154.9-4.1
7Jorma Korhonen863155-4
8Kimi Ahtinen613.857.2-1.8
9Tommi Grönberg8425.358.7-0.3
10Jarno Laaksonen709612
11Marko Raudasoja739.563.54.5

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Kimi Ahtinen +2F334343433423335353+261
2Ville Tuominen +8F334373423335435354+867
3Jarno Laaksonen +11F334444534334355364+1170
4Marko Raudasoja +14F344464533434447353+1473
5Rauno Hämäläinen+20F334465544343557374+2079
5Erkki Nordström +20F334475535434457364+2079
5Seppo Koskinen+20F336455536544356363+2079
8Tommi Grönberg +25F345465644544447465+2584
8Raimo Laitajoki +25F334455545544458763+2584
10Jorma Korhonen+27F344465645554458464+2786
11Ari Lahtinen+30F334675645446457574+3089
12Juhani Ahtinen +9135523633445354+9DNF

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The result was updated on: 2016-08-28 23:17:26. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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