Ryttylän kiri viikkokisa (2017-07-23)  07/23/17 17:00

    NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
    1Veeti Sorsa6519.345.7-13.3
    2Paavo Viskari8531.853.2-5.8
    2Marko Raudasoja6410.853.2-5.8
    4Rauno Hämäläinen812655-4
    5Erkki Nordström8223.358.7-0.3
    6Seppo Koskinen8521.763.34.3
    7Juhani Ahtinen8015.264.85.8
    8Ari Lahtinen10032.767.38.3

    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
    1Marko Raudasoja +5F334354533325324264+564
    2Veeti Sorsa +6F234354423433345364+665
    3Juhani Ahtinen +21F445464534534437285+2180
    4Rauno Hämäläinen+22F346465545434356464+2281
    5Erkki Nordström +23F346365644544356374+2382
    6Seppo Koskinen+26F334565544544458475+2685
    6Paavo Viskari+26F335465645436447484+2685
    8Ari Lahtinen+41F344565647474687695+41100

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    The result was updated on: 2017-08-28 11:58:41. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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