Ryttylän kiri viikkokisa (2016-05-29)  05/29/16 12:00
  • Comment: Pilvistä, 14 °C, 3 m/s E

NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
1Jukka Valpas741955-4
2Juhani Ahtinen7115.555.5-3.5
3Ari Lukkarinen658.456.6-2.4
4Veeti Valpas802258-1
5Jarmo Kuussaari7313601
6Harri Kuusela696.762.33.3
7Petri Paakkola7510656

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Ari Lukkarinen +6F233354453343345353+665
2Harri Kuusela +10F333343535433446373+1069
3Juhani Ahtinen +12F223364544344446355+1271
4Jarmo Kuussaari +14F334464534343546453+1473
5Jukka Valpas +15F434364435343446464+1574
6Petri Paakkola+16F334465543444438353+1675
7Veeti Valpas +21F324355444744346477+2180

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The result was updated on: 2016-05-29 19:14:51. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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