3. kierros  12/23/17 13:00

    1Niko Hietanen -8F222322222-819
    2Lauri Mölsä -7F222332222-720
    2Antti Kymäläinen -7F222332222-720
    4Mika Paakkinen -6F322322322-621
    4Markku Tiainen -6F222232323-621
    4Toni Häyhä -6F223332222-621
    7kirsi viuhkonen-3F322442232-324
    7Ville Leinonen -3F322233324-324
    9Rauli Mikkola -2F322334332-225
    10Jarno Kuikka -1F324333332-126
    11juho pellinen 0F223343343027
    11lauri pellinen 0F332334333027

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    The result was updated on: 2017-12-28 23:34:38. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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