3. Runde  02/06/22 11:00

1Luca Kurzeknabe -6F223223232-621
2Milan Q Schultz -4F233223323-423
3Robin Poppenberg -2F332233342-225
3Jan Tietze -2F323233333-225
3Arne Knörck -2F323233333-225
3Christoph Ladendorf -2F323233333-225
7Thilo Stoewahse -1F223334333-126
7Lars Spillner -1F333324323-126
7Yannick Reis -1F232343333-126
7Jan Weckenbrock -1F333334232-126
11Thomas Beilicke 0F333233433027
11Christian Buck 0F333224433027
13Christoph Petzke +1F433334332+128
14Pierre Nebel +3F533334423+330
14Felix Simmendinger +3F344334333+330
16Dirk Josen +4F433264423+431

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The result was updated on: 2022-02-06 14:20:40. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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