2. Runde  09/11/22 11:00

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Thomas Beilicke -5F322323323234-532
2Christoph Ladendorf -3F322333223335-334
3fabian bismar -2F233433223244-235
3Daniel Zacharias -2F432323333234-235
3Markus Nowc -2F332333322335-235
6Lars Mohr -1F323343323325-136
7Jan Martens +1F323344243334+138
8Mario Diemann +2F333433343334+239
9Felix Funke +3F524433423325+340
9Johannes Rieß +3F233633343334+340
9Maurice Kedrowitsch +3F423434343235+340
12Arne Hiemer +4F433333353344+441
13Torben Schröder +5F334533343335+542
14Jens Fascher +19F434546355368+1956

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The result was updated on: 2022-09-11 13:58:32. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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