Friday 5PM K1-C Long  06/16/23 17:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Park at H15. CTPs - 2 (2nd), 4, 6, 7 (2nd), 10 (2nd) and 17. 17 is paid only if 12 or more paid ctp. Pay before round. CashApp $MiamiDiscGolfClub. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps $3 scratch $1 q or mulli. Payment is optional.


  • Registration end: 06/16/23 17:00 -04:00
  • The number of registered players: 14

 Registered on
1Abdiel Hernandez06/16/23 05:11:55
2Bruno Howard06/16/23 07:24:56
3Randy Beers06/16/23 14:22:58
4manny gomez06/16/23 14:26:32
5Javier Moreno06/16/23 15:40:33
6Adam Zwibelman06/16/23 15:52:35
7David Brenner06/16/23 15:58:59
8Pedro Vera06/16/23 16:14:45
9Sebastian Perez06/16/23 16:17:28
10Bebo06/16/23 16:20:47
11Tyler Anderson06/16/23 16:33:14
12Justin Michelena06/16/23 16:38:42
13Nelson Mato06/16/23 16:47:32
14Avian Angulo06/16/23 16:48:59

Park at H15. CTPs - 2 (2nd), 4, 6, 7 (2nd), 9 and 10 (2nd). 10 is paid only if 12 or more paid ctp. Pay before round. CashApp $MiamiDiscGolfClub. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps $3 scratch $1 q or mulli. Payment is optional.

CTPs - 2 (2nd), 4, 6, 7 (2nd), 9 and 10 (2nd). 10 is paid only if 12 or more paid ctp

The last group to play a hole should pick up the ctp flag. If you start on a hole that is one hole after a ctp hole, you are the last so pick up that flag. If you are the lowest number group pickup any ctp holes that are lower than your starting hole. Click Show groups to see other groups to verify that you are the last group to play a ctp hole andor check the results to see if the hole has been completed. 

Handicaps: If you don't have a C-Long handicap, your A,B, or short tee handicap can be adjusted up or down by 3 strokes per pin and/or tee position. If you don't have a handicap for K1-C-L but have more than one handicap on other K1 layouts, the lowest handicap after adjustments will be used. 

Current handicaps bit.ly/MDGCHC

H3, yellow line and beyond is OB. Go to Drop zone on island if tee shot is OB..

H18 beyond hedge line OB. Go to drop zone if tee shot is OB over hedges. Regular OB rules if OB in road.


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