24.02.2019  02/24/19 10:45

    NoNameResultHandicap (HC)Adjusted (Result-HC)Change (Adjusted-Par)
    1Elias Ludwig1047727-18
    2Sven Karutz446.737.3-7.7
    3Philipp Ludwig38-139-6
    3Christopher Gebur39039-6
    5Max Schmidt466.539.5-5.5
    6Christian Friedrich455.339.7-5.3
    7Hannes Riemann498.540.5-4.5
    8Olli Möllemann39-241-4
    9Janek Buchheim442.541.5-3.5
    10Andreas Wolfsohn40-2.842.8-2.2
    11Kai Sommer45-0.545.50.5
    12Marc Pestotnik470.746.31.3
    13Daniel Sorgatz502483
    14Hans Behrendt6415.548.53.5
    15Ronny Möller500505
    16Anna Finzel619527

    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415+/-Sum
    1Philipp Ludwig -7F322232333323223-738
    2Christopher Gebur -6F322343333222223-639
    2Olli Möllemann -6F323232333322323-639
    4Andreas Wolfsohn -5F232233334323223-540
    5Janek Buchheim -1F332333342333333-144
    5Sven Karutz -1F233333432334323-144
    5Gordon Lindner -1F322443332223533-144
    8Kai Sommer 0F332233334333226045
    8Christian Friedrich 0F333233334334323045
    10Max Schmidt +1F444323224333333+146
    11Marc Pestotnik +2F333543333333224+247
    11Christian Stelter +2F232243334333354+247
    13Marcel Pösel +3F423233335363233+348
    13Philipp Stadler +3F326233333352334+348
    15Hannes Riemann +4F333343434333334+449
    16Ronny Möller +5F233532336333254+550
    16Daniel Sorgatz +5F333453424334324+550
    18Stephan Gensch +12F233455435334364+1257
    19Anna Finzel +16F443445535543345+1661
    20Hans Behrendt +19F444554444544355+1964
    21Elias Ludwig+59F7106678785676678+59104

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    The result was updated on: 2019-02-24 13:55:05. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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