Basics ...
- Start a new practice round
- Creating competitions
- Add players to a round
- Enter scores (on mobile)
- Apple Watch
- Require players to sign scores
- Entering Metrix-statistics
- Mobile App
- Metrix Features per Subscription Model
- SFL licenses
Dashboard elements ...
Manage competition ...
- Simultaneous scoring by multiple players
- Event structures
- Result / registration page settings
- Registration details
- Registration conditions and stages
- Create and manage groups
- Manage players
- Add new round to an event
- Action log
- Player self-check-in
- Link a Metrix event to a PDGA event
- Signing scores
- Background image of the competition
Premium events and payments ...
- Premium (paid) competitions and invoicing
- Prepayments and round credits
- Creating and using Shared accounts
- Payments via PayPal
Weekly competitions ...
- Checklist for weeklies
- Point systems
- WeeklyHC - Average based handicap system
- RatingHC - Rating based handicap system
- SumOfTable - Pure score based ranking system
- Points - Tour points based on competion standings
Courses ...
- Course management best practices
- Local course administration
- Edit baskets view
- Create course maps with Metrix