
08/20/21 17:00 Golfstart|Kendall Indian Hammocks Park K1 → K1-C Long|UNITED STATES, FL, Miami-Dade, Miami

Round  08/20/21 17:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: CTPs - 2 (2nd shot), 4, 6, 7 (2nd shot), 9 and 14 is the 6th CTP if 12 or more players. H3, yellow line and beyond is OB. Drop zone on island from pad only. H18 beyond hedge line OB, drop zone from pad only. Pay before 5pm - CashApp $MiamiDiscGolfClub

No Result (Sum)HCAdjusted ScorePay
CHQDevin Aedo54-58.6-4.616
CHMNelson Mato62-62.8-0.88
CHQFrank Vargas63-62.90.13
CHMDonald Everage65-64.40.6 
CHQJoshua H.70-673 
CHQJackson Morton65-623 
CHQRandy Beers60-56.13.9 
CHMAdam Zwibelman68-63.34.7 
ChQLuis Gil72-666 
QMorris Fabbri59 59 
CAndres Balanta61 61 
CQAvian Angulo62 62 
CDanny Chinea69 69 
Mark Brodsky72 72 
Bruno Howard73 73 
Daniel Casale78 78 
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Devin Aedo -3F234333333333224235-354
2Morris Fabbri +2F342333434333333435+259
3Randy Beers +3F344344333334333334+360
4Andres Balanta +4F354244333334333434+461
5Nelson Mato +5F334343333344335434+562
5Avian Angulo +5F344334343533343334+562
7Frank Vargas +6F543242442334433535+663
8Donald Everage +8F345434343334334435+865
8Jackson Morton +8F336344342633323445+865
10Adam Zwibelman +11F334344334443335555+1168
11Danny Chinea +12F335344344344344464+1269
12Joshua H. +13F344453443334623447+1370
13Luis Gil +15F546343436535424335+1572
13Mark Brodsky +15F445463334334435644+1572
15Bruno Howard +16F365453434433344546+1673
16Daniel Casale +21F455333443445655546+2178

Hole-by-hole statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

CTPs - 2 (2nd shot), 4, 6, 7 (2nd shot), 9 and 14 is the 6th CTP if 12 or more players. Pay before the round starts. CashApp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub Paypal - miamidiscgolf#gmail.com. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps$1 mulligan or $1 qualifier. Payment is optional to play. Minimum $2 for club and ace recommended.


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