
04/15/22 17:00|Kendall Indian Hammocks K2 old → K2-B|UNITED STATES, FL, Miami-Dade, Miami

Round  04/15/22 17:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Park by H13. Mark CTPs on 2,5,8,10,11,13. CTP paid on 11 only if 12 people or more paid. Pay Before the Round! Cashapp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub

No Result (Sum)HCAdjusted ScorePayout
chmDerek Wilcox58-66-814
chmFrank Vargas48-54-68
chmRandy Beers50-50.5-0.55
chmChristian Lopez55-5413
chmAvian Angulo58-56.51.5 
chmJC Canaves64-61.32.7 
chmJoshua H.63-59.53.5 
chmNelson Mato59-55.53.5 
chmDonald Everage64-57.96.1 
cmRolo Ruiz del Vizo51 51 
amPedro Vera52 52 
cOrlando Leiva52 52 
amOvy Ramirez53 53 
cmNicholas Toledo53 53 
cmMario Guerra56 56 
cmCarlos Garcia56 56 
cAndres Balanta58 58 
amMark Brodsky64 64 
aNicholas Munoz68 68 
cmCarlos Bernabela68 68 
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Frank Vargas -6F233324322233223333-648
2Randy Beers -4F423333323333232332-450
3Rolo Ruiz del Vizo -3F323333332332333333-351
4Pedro Vera -2F333323333333342332-252
4Orlando Leiva -2F323423333332233343-252
6Nicholas Toledo -1F333334223334234332-153
6Ovy Ramirez -1F333322343334332333-153
8Christian Lopez +1F333325323233333443+155
9Mario Guerra +2F534333323323343333+256
9Carlos Garcia +2F343325324423233433+256
11Avian Angulo +4F334434333233333443+458
11Derek Wilcox +4F335334322334433442+458
11Andres Balanta +4F333442324335333433+458
14Nelson Mato +5F332534333333343443+559
16Joshua H. +9F234333533333334537+963
17Donald Everage +10F533433434333333347+1064
17JC Canaves +10F444323333443243465+1064
17Mark Brodsky +10F334435623333334444+1064
20Nicholas Munoz +14F366325432543343444+1468
20Carlos Bernabela +14F345335444333345444+1468

Hole-by-hole statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Pay before the round starts! Cashapp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub Paypal - miamidiscgolf@gmail.com. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps $1 mulligan. Payment is optional to play. Minimum $2 for club and ace recommended.

 H1 beyond hedge line is OB.


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