Comment: Park by K2 H13. Mark CTPs - 4, 8, 13, 16, 17(K2-12), 18(K2-10). 17(K2-12) is paid only if 12 people or more paid for CTPs. Pay Before the Round! Cashapp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub
New course on 114 ave and 80th Terrace. 15 baskets in new K3 area across 80th Terrace from K2 in the south and west lots. Use K2 Holes 10 (K3-18),11 (K3-12), and 12 (K3-17) to make 18 total.
Beyond berm on H5 and H11 is OB.
Beyond Residential walls and fences is OB.
Beyond Wooded Fence surrounding H13 to 16 area OB.
6 - Mando to the left of the last tree marked.
8 - Sidewalk and beyond for Palace Nursing and Rehab is OB
13 - Double Mando first Tree on the Left and Power pole on the right