
06/07/22 17:00|Kendall Indian Hammocks Park K1 → K1-C Long|UNITED STATES, FL, Miami-Dade, Miami

Round  06/07/22 17:00
  • Show groups: click here
  • Comment: Park at H15. CTPs - 2 (2nd), 4, 6, 7 (2nd), 9 and 14. 14 is paid only if 12 or more paid ctp. Pay before round. CashApp $MiamiDiscGolfClub. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps $1 q or mulli. Payment is optional. Minimum $2 for club and ace recommended.

No Result (Sum)HCAdjusted ScorePayout
chqJackson Morton59-62-314
chmEmilio Condis63-65-27
chqJoshua H.68-6533
chqRandy Beers61-57.23.8 
chqDevin Aedo62-57.94.1 
chqAlexis Gonzalez69-627 
chqTyler Anderson69-61.47.6 
chqDavid Espinosa71-638 
aqRolo Ruiz del Vizo57 57 
aqPedro Vera58 58 
cqJorge Guzman59 59 
cqOrlando Leiva59 59 
cNelson Mato62 62 
cqSebastian Perez64 64 
cqLos64 64 
aNolan Hernandez67 67 
cqAlexsandra Breines75 75 
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Rolo Ruiz del Vizo 0F433233333233323545057
2Pedro Vera +1F333333433333334344+158
3Orlando Leiva +2F343333343333333444+259
3Jackson Morton +2F434333333432323445+259
3Jorge Guzman +2F344333332433343335+259
6Randy Beers +4F344333433343333345+461
7Devin Aedo +5F443233433434333346+562
7Nelson Mato +5F245334533333433434+562
9Emilio Condis +6F334433333343334545+663
10Sebastian Perez +7F334342444433334544+764
10Los +7F246333433233334537+764
12Nolan Hernandez +10F344333453344335454+1067
13Joshua H. +11F346234352333535464+1168
14Tyler Anderson +12F435433344334534545+1269
14Alexis Gonzalez +12F345333653543334534+1269
16David Espinosa +14F345433634334434546+1471
17Alexsandra Breines +18F444364464334445535+1875

Hole-by-hole statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

CTPs - 2 (2nd shot), 4, 6, 7 (2nd shot), 9 and 14. 14  is paid CTP only if 12 or more paid for ctp. Pay before the round starts. CashApp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub Paypal - miamidiscgolf#gmail.com. $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicaps$1 qulaifier or  mulligan. Payment is optional to play. Minimum $2 for club and ace recommended.

H3, yellow line and beyond is OB. Drop zone on island from pad only. H18 beyond hedge line OB, drop zone from pad only. 


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